The Oklahoma City Downtown Club is an organization of young professionals who are excited about the future of our city and state and meet to focus on issues related to leadership, economic development and quality of life. New members are accepted into the club twice per year–spring and fall. If you are interested in applying for membership, please review the criteria below.
Applicants must be between the ages of twenty-five and forty years old, a professional, interested in issues facing our city and state, committed to making a positive difference through personal leadership and involvement in our community, and interested in building relationships with other community leaders and Club members. Applicants must attend at least one meeting as a guest of a member prior to applying for membership, and must submit two letters of recommendation from current club members or alumni.
The Downtown Club meets every month, generally on the third Tuesday, from 12:00 – 1:00 pm at The Citizen. If accepted, your attendance will be expected on a regular basis. If you miss more than four meetings in a calendar year, you may be asked to resign from the club. If you have a special circumstance that has caused you to miss more than four meetings, you will have the opportunity to submit an explanation in writing to the Club.
Meeting dates may change in order to accommodate a speaker or for other circumstances; however, ample notification will be given and you are expected to make every attempt to be available at the rescheduled time.
Seats and meals available are determined by the monthly invitation by email. You will be expected to respond to the monthly email to indicate if you will or will not be attending the meeting by the deadline stated. If your response changes, you are expected to update your response via the electronic invitation.
Annual dues are $700.00 per year. Applicants accepted mid-year will receive pro-rated dues. Guest fees are $45 per guest and are invoiced to the member bringing the guest. Members are encouraged to bring prospective members as guests. All invoices are due within 14 days of receipt.